We have been listening to your feedback and have been busy behind the scenes making improvements to your experience with Twig World. You can now upload student lists in record speed with our new instant student upload feature. It’s a fast and easy way to give every student in your school access to Twig, with automatically generated log-in details.
Just pick your spreadsheet of student details, choose the relevant fields with the interactive uploader, and let the tool work its magic. You can even use an export from your school's VLE or LMS system, and just choose the relevant fields.
We’ve put together a step-by-step guide on how to use the new tool:
PLEASE NOTE: Only the administrator of your account will have the authority to upload students using this tool. If that is you, then you are in luck! (If not, please ask the administrator very nicely to do this for you).
You're all done, simple!
And here is a quick overview of how you can prepare your file for upload:
If you have a school database already, you can export a file direct from there (so long as it is in Excel, Open Document or CSV format). Lots of systems will export more information than needed, but you can use our uploader to select only the fields you need.
And finally, if you are having problems, you can still supply your file to our support team and we'll sort it for you, just select “Problems uploading a file?” and use the link there.
If there are any other comments or features that you would like to see implemented into Twig, please get in touch on Facebook, Twitter or email Lucy Jackson on ljackson@twig-world.com.