Film info
Film summary
Find out how a short lifecycle helps the Labord’s chameleon survive Madagascar’s dry season.
Key facts
- Around half of all species of chameleon live in Madagascar.
- The Labord's chameleon has the shortest life cycle of any vertebrate.
- Labord's chameleons spend 8 months in their eggs, then all hatch simultaneously at the start of the rainy season.
- Once hatched, the Labord's chameleon has just 5 months left to live.
The island of Madagascar is home to around half the world’s species of chameleon including one with the shortest life cycle of any land vertebrate: the Labord’s chameleon.
Labord’s Chameleon
This young chameleon is well suited to life in its forest home.
Its feet are specialised for walking in trees and its …
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