

Adaptation and Evolution

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FactPack: Classification     
Life in the Freezer   
Life in Hot Deserts   
Predators and Prey 
Bizarre Adaptations    
Sexual Selection  
FactPack: Deadliest Animals      
FactPack: Super Predators      
FactPack: Super Prey     
Duck-Billed Platypus      
What is an Amphibian?     
Chimps: Our Closest Relatives?    
Natural Selection   
Mechanisms of Evolution   
Evolution: The Evidence   
Origin of Species   
Darwin's Dilemma    
FactPack: Primitive Species       
FactPack: Selective Breeding      
Man's First Ancestors    
Homo Habilis and Boisei    
Homo Ergaster    
Homo Sapiens    
Evolution of Man: The Evidence    
Early Man and Agriculture    
Fossil Evidence   
Mass Extinction: Dinosaurs    
A History of Mass Extinctions   
Endangered Species   
Big Al    
FactPack: Endangered Species      
Tasmanian Devil     

Animal Kingdom

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How Did Amphibians Evolve?      
Marbled Salamanders      
Red-Eyed Tree Frog      
Poison Arrow Frog      
Gliding Leaf Frog      
Midwife Toads      
Waxy Monkey Frog      
Giant Salamander      
What is a Bird?     
How Did Birds Evolve?      
Great Grey Owl      
Marvellous Spatuletail      
Andean Condor      
How Did Fish Evolve?     
What is a Fish?     
Remora Fish      
Humphead Parrotfish      
Splash Tetras      
Great White Sharks      
Deep Sea Angler Fish      
Basking Shark      
What is an Invertebrate?     
What is an Arthropod?      
Velvet Worm      
Robber Crab      
Golden Jellyfish      
Sea Stars      
Wolf Spider      
Dawson's Bee      
Southern Reef Squid      
How Did Mammals Evolve?      
What is a Mammal?     
Humpback Whales      
Grizzly Bears      
Gelada Baboons      
Snow Leopard      
African Lions      
Forest Elephants      
African Elephants      
What is a Reptile?     
Thorny Devil      
How Did Reptiles Evolve?      
Komodo Dragon      
Labord's Chameleon      

Being Human

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Introduction to the Brain  
Neurons as Cells 
What is a Memory?     
How We Learn    
Can We Control Pain?    
Neurons as Networks  
FactPack: Reflex Arcs      
FactPack: The Spinal Cord     
The Nervous System 
The First Brain Surgeon    
Curious Case of Phineas Gage    
The Lobotomist     
Developing Brain: Baby Brain     
Developing Brain: That's Me!    
Developing Brain: Theory of Mind    
Developing Brain: Tantrums     
Developing Brain: Teenage Brain    
Winning and Losing    
Fight or Flight  
Introduction to Hormones  
Melatonin and Sleep    
Cortisol and Chronic Stress     
Medical Marvels: IVF  
Medical Marvels: Ultrasound    
War in the Womb   
Why Are We Born So Helpless?     
FactPack: Pregnancy Timeline   
Pregnancy: First Trimester   
Pregnancy: Second Trimester   
Pregnancy: Third Trimester   
Contraception: History of the Pill    
Chemical Contraception   
Contraception: Barrier Methods   
Growing Pains    
Introduction to Puberty   
Puberty in Girls   
Puberty in Boys   
FactPack: Why Do Teens Get Spots?       
How We Smell   
How We Taste   
How We Touch    
How We Hear  
Animal Senses   
Why Do I Get Travel Sick?    
What Are Goosebumps?     
The Senses  
How We Balance: Part 1    
How We Balance: Part 2    
How We See Part 1: Eyes  
How We See Part 2: Brain  
Looking into the Future     
Test Your Vision     

Cells and DNA

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What is DNA?   
How Does DNA Make Protein?   
DNA and Crime   
Discovery of DNA   
FactPack: DNA      
Forensics: DNA Profiling    
Inheritance: Part 1   
Inheritance: Part 2  
Dogs and Wolves: Nature or Nurture?     
Breeding and Behaviour   
Mendel and Inheritance    
FactPack: Hybrid Animals      
FactPack: Fruit Flies      
Huntington's: The Disease    
Cystic Fibrosis    
Huntington's: The Dilemma    
HIV/AIDS: Immune Evaders   
Immune Defence: Part 1  
Smallpox: The First Vaccine   
Pandemic Viruses    
FactPack: Bacteria      
FactPack: Viruses     
Immune Defence: Part 2  
Pandemic Viruses: SARS   
Bee Stings   
Tumours: The Kill or Cure Virus   
What is a Cell?  
Different Types of Cell   
Cell Division: Mitosis  
The Cell Membrane   
The Very First Cell   
The History of the Microscope  
FactPack: Enzymes      
Cell Division: Meiosis 
What is Cancer?  
Genetic Modification  
Stem Cells  
Therapeutic Stem Cells   
The First Human Clone   
The Genius Sperm Bank: Part 1     
Saviour Siblings   
FactPack: Twins       
Dolly the Sheep   
The Genius Sperm Bank: Part 2     


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Invading Plant Species   
Lichen: Indicator Species  
Biotic Factors in Ecosystems   
Abiotic Factors in Ecosystems  
Invading Animals: The Cane Toad   
Migration: Reproduction   
Migration: Predation   
Migration: Seasons   
FactPack: Bird Migrations     
FactPack: Amazing Migrations      
The Taiga Forest   
Deciduous Forests   
Tropical Rainforests   
What is an Ecosystem?   
Temperate Grassland   
What is Biodiversity?  
Oceans: Sunlight Zone   
Oceans: Coral Seas   
Oceans: The Deep Blue   
Oceans: The Abyss   
Oceans: The Intertidal Zone   
Oceans: Frozen Seas   
What is a Food Chain?  
The Nitrogen Cycle   
Oceanic Food Chain   
Bioaccumulation in Food Chains   
Symbiosis: Mutualism  
Symbiosis: Parasitism  
FactPack: Mercury in Food Chains     

Healthy Living

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Insulin and Diabetes   
What is Fitness?   
Why is Fat So Hard to Shift?    
Healthy Teeth  
Germs and Hygiene  
Sexually Transmitted Infections   
Eradication of Polio   
Healthy Beauty   
Balanced Diet  
Life Cycle Nutrition   
Vitamin Deficiencies   
Drugs and the Brain  
Alcohol and the Brain  
Alcohol: The Poison    
What's in a Cigarette?   
Science of Addiction    
Harmful Drugs   
Harmful Drugs: Cocaine    
Harmful Drugs: Heroin    
Harmful Drugs: LSD    
Harmful Drugs: Ecstasy    
Harmful Drugs: Cannabis    

Human Body

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Introduction to Digestion   
Small Intestine 
Large Intestine  
Beef Tapeworms: Part 1    
Beef Tapeworms: Part 2    
Burps and Farts   
FactPack: Digestion      
FactPack: Teeth      
FactPack: The Liver      
Blood Transfusion: Vietnam   
Blood Transfusion: Falklands   
Healthy Heart     
FactPack: Heart     
Why is Blood Red?   
Big Breathers   
Little Breathers    
FactPack: Lungs    
Terrible TB: Part 1   
Terrible TB: Part 2    
The Dark Side of Oxygen    
Smoking: The Damage  
An Ancient Olympian    
Clever Thumbs    
Cardiac and Smooth Muscles  
Skeletal Muscles   
What Happens When I Crack My Knuckles?   


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Plant Transport  
Tropisms and Hormones   
Parasitic Plants   
Carnivorous Plants   
What Plants Need to Grow   
Plants and Medicine  
FactPack: Non-Edible Crops      
Plants and Medicine: Aspirin    
Sexual Reproduction in Plants  
Plant and Animal Mutualism  
Plant Mimics   
Oak Life Cycle   
Asexual Reproduction in Plants 
Parts of the Plant: Leaves  
Parts of the Plant: Flowers  
Defensive Plants   
Plants in Extreme Environments  
FactPack: Amazing Plants       
FactPack: Power of Plants       
Root Hairs