

Atoms and Bonding

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What is an Atom?  
Atom Structure: Electron Shells  
Flame Colours and Fireworks    
Flame Colours and Spectroscopy   
Northern Lights   
Heavy Water  
Discovery of the Atom 
FactPack: Scale of the Atom     
FactPack: Structure of the Atom   
Introduction to Chemical Bonding 
Nanotechnology: What is It?   
Nanotechnology: Is It Safe?     
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 
FactPack: Elements, Compounds, Mixtures     
Ionic Bonding  
Covalent Bonding  
Metallic Bonding 
Carbon: Introduction  
Carbon: Synthetic Diamonds   
Carbon: Buckminsterfullerene    
Solids, Liquids and Gases  
Changing States of Matter 
Intermolecular Forces   
Non-Newtonian Liquids  
Salt: Salt and Ice    
How Do Snowflakes Form?   
How to Make Fake Snow    
Water Forces   
FactPack: Forensics      
Salt: Separating Mixtures   
Forensics: Chromatography    
Forensics: Tools of CSI    
Forensics: Bog Bodies     

Chemical Industries

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Food Basics: Carbohydrates  
Food Basics: Fats  
Food Basics: Proteins  
Omega-3: Healthy Fat?   
What is a Calorie?  
How Do Carb-Free Diets Work?     
Ripening Fruit    
FactPack: Energy Drinks      
Salt: Food Preservative   
Natural Versus Artificial   
Nitrates: Food Preservatives    
Fractional Distillation  
Plastics and Polymers  
Esters and Perfumes    
Recycling Plastics    
Vegetable Oils as Fuel   
Leaded and Unleaded Petrol   
Invention of Nylon    
FactPack: Hydrocarbons     

Periodic Table

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Introduction to the Periodic Table 
Atomic Structure 
Mendeleev's Prophecy   
Discovery of Phosphorus   
The Curse of Phlogiston   
Phlogiston and Oxygen   
The Legacy of John Newlands  
We Are All Made of Stars  
FactPack: How to Make a Human     
Transition Metals 
Alkali Metals  
Reactivity Series  
Metals in Medicine   
Hard and Soft Water    
The Elements: Copper   
The Elements: Mercury   
The Elements: Potassium    
The Elements: Silicon   
The Elements: Iron   
The Elements: Lead   
The Elements: Uranium   
The Elements: Plutonium   
The Elements: Radium   
The Elements: Aluminium      
The Elements: Silver      
The Elements: Gold      
The Halogens 
The Noble Gases  
FactPack: Atmospheric Gases    
The Elements: Chlorine      
The Elements: Helium      
The Elements: Oxygen   
The Elements: Phosphorus   
The Elements: Hydrogen   
The Elements: Iodine      
The Elements: Magnesium      
The Elements: Neon      
The Elements: Nitrogen      
The Elements: Sodium      
The Elements: Sulfur      
The Elements: Carbon      


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Acids and Alkalis: Part 1 
Acids and Alkalis: Part 2 
Crystals in Caves   
First Synthetic Pigment    
Why Do Leaves Change Colour?   
FactPack: pH Scale     
Oxygen and Combustion 
Energy Change of Reactions   
Rates of Reaction: Basics   
Nobel and Dynamite    
The Hindenburg Disaster   
How Do Fireworks Work?   
Redox Reactions   
Collision Theory   
Extraction of Aluminium   
Oxidation Reactions