Earth Science


Earth’s Resources

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Nuclear Power  
Making a Star on Earth  
Chernobyl Disaster   
Nuclear Waste   
Fossil Fuels: Formation  
Fossil Fuels: Use  
The Carbon Cycle  
Oil Shocks    
Electricity: Supply and Demand   
Electricity: The Costs   
Frontier Oil Exploration   
Solar Power  
Wind Power  
Palm Oil: Biofuel of the Future?   
Geothermal Power    
The Wind Power Debate   
Water as a Resource  
Building the Hoover Dam   
Bottled Water: The True Cost   
Marine Renewables   


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Coastal Processes: Waves   
Coastal Landforms   
How Do Caves Form?     
Coastal Processes   
Coasts: Hard Engineering   
Coasts: Soft Engineering   
Rock Types  
Rock Cycles  
Limestone: Features    
Limestone: Uses    
Quarrying: Impacts    
Quarrying: Managing Damage    
Earthly Treasures: Gold   
Earthly Treasures: Diamonds   
Earthly Treasures: Precious Gemstones   
How Hot Is the Earth's Core?   
Structure of the Earth  
Land Formations   
Plate Tectonics   
FactPack: Mountains      
How Did the Continents Form?   
Fold Mountains: Formation    
Fold Mountains: Uses    
What is an Earthquake?  
Living On the Edge  
Predicting Earthquakes   
Santorini: Looking for Atlantis   
Earthquakes: LEDC Response   
Earthquakes: MEDC Response   
Christchurch Earthquake    
Yosemite's Valleys   
Scablands: Carved By Water   
How Did The Grand Canyon Form?   
How Are Rivers Formed?   
Waterfalls and Gorges    
Meanders and Oxbow Lakes    
Depositional Features    
What is a Volcano?  
Predicting Volcanic Eruptions   
Yellowstone: Supervolcano   
Danger: Volcanic Ash   
The Last Day of Pompeii  
Kilauea - The Island Maker  
FactPack: Extreme Eruptions      
Volcanoes: LEDC Response    
Volcanoes: MEDC Response   

Human Impacts

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Climate Cycles   
State of the Greenland Ice Sheet   
Ocean Conveyer   
Natural Climate Change  
The Ozone Layer  
The Greenhouse Effect  
Climate Models   
Inventions to Save the Planet   
Clathrate Gun Hypothesis    
The Big Chill   
Global Warming  
The Great Global Warming Debate: Part 1   
Global Dimming    
The Great Global Warming Debate: Part 2   
Pollution: Water  
Pollution: Land  
Pollution: Air 
Oil Spills   
The Oilmen and the Animals   
Ecosystem Management: Deserts    
Ecosystem Management: Tropical Rainforests    
Ecosystem Management: Deciduous Forests     


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How the Oceans Formed    
Types of Weather: Rain  
The Water Cycle  
Thunder and Lightning   
Cloud Seeding   
What is a Rainbow?   
Galtür: The Perfect Storm  
FactPack: Weird Weather     
Secret of the Sahara   
Weather Systems  
Types of Weather: Introduction 
Climate Zones 
Coriolis Effect   
High- and Medium-Level Clouds  
Monsoon Zone  
Killer Heat Wave   
El Niño   
FactPack: Superstorms      
Low-Level Clouds  
Climate Influences  
Types of Weather: Wind 
Hurricane Katrina: Part 1  
Storm Surges   
What is a Tornado?    
FactPack: Beaufort Scale      
Hurricane Katrina: Part 2  
The Lost City of Peru