Human Geography


A Changing World

FilmEnglish UKSimplified ChineseTraditional ChineseSpanishArabicArabic Captions onlySimplified EnglishFrench
Feeding the Planet   
Brazil: Life in a Favela     
India: Curbing Population Growth    
Japan: Encouraging Population Growth    
Manila: Megacity    
Could Climate Change Your Life?   
Brazil: Life on a Plantation    
What is Globalisation?    
A Global Village     
Transport Networks    
Traffic Congestion    
Brazil: Agricultural Revolution    
Carbon Capture: Phytoplankton   
Carbon Trading   
The Carbon Family 
Carbon Capture: Artificial Trees   
The Future Carbon Family   
Global Inequalities     
LEDCs: Barriers to Development    
Brazil: The Wealth Divide     
Demographic Transition Model     
Different Types of Aid    
The Issues With Aid    
Fair Trade    
International Trade: An Unequal Relationship?    
Sapphires: A Fair Trade?    

Orientation and Settlements

FilmEnglish UKSimplified ChineseTraditional ChineseSpanishArabicArabic Captions onlySimplified EnglishFrench
Ways of Looking at the World     
Ordnance Survey Maps    
The Longitude Problem    
Time Zones    
Mapping the Sea    
Settlement Resources    
Urban Settlements     
Urban Land Use Models     
Protecting St Paul's    
Brownfield Sites    
Rural Settlements     
Rural-Urban Fringe     
Rural Deprivation    
China's Mass Migration    
Census: Counting People     
Illegal Immigration: Crossing the Sahara    
Hawaii: Impacts of Tourism     
Namibia: Ecotourism    
Butler's Tourism Model    
Mass Tourism: Case Study    
Population: Physical Factors    
Brazil: Ethnic Diversity     
Extreme Living: The Frozen North    
Extreme Living: The Sahara    
Extreme Living: Nomads    
Populating the World: Migration    
Settlements and Apartheid    
Tuvalu: The Threat of Rising Seas