

Accuracy and Proof

FilmEnglish UKSimplified ChineseTraditional ChineseSpanishArabicArabic Captions onlySimplified EnglishFrench
Rounding: Snails vs Rockets     
Counting Crowds    
Speed of the Earth    
Proofs: Million-Dollar Maths    


FilmEnglish UKSimplified ChineseTraditional ChineseSpanishArabicArabic Captions onlySimplified EnglishFrench
Variables: Dating By Number    
How Algorithms Change the World     
Tank Wars    
The Birthday Paradox    
Vectors: Air Traffic Control   
The Heartbeat Formula   
The Chase     
Sets: Infinity    
Venn Diagrams: Global Habitats    

History of Maths

FilmEnglish UKSimplified ChineseTraditional ChineseSpanishArabicArabic Captions onlySimplified EnglishFrench
Irrational Numbers: Pythagoras    
Geometry: Euclid    
Calculating Pi: Archimedes    
Jai Singh    
Diophantine Equations: Fermat    
Set Theory: Cantor    
Coordinate Geometry: Descartes    
Algorithms: Turing    
Degrees of Separation: ErdÅ's    
Number Theory: Gauss    
Calculus: Newton    
The Babylonians and Plimpton 322    
The Egyptians and Unit Fractions    
The Egyptians and Multiplication    
The Greeks and Proof    
The Romans and Numerals    
India and Negative Numbers    
The Arabic Science of Balancing    
European Mathematical Symbols    
Chinese Development of Maths    


FilmEnglish UKSimplified ChineseTraditional ChineseSpanishArabicArabic Captions onlySimplified EnglishFrench
How Long is a Metre?     
Volume: Counting Stars   
How Origami Changed the World    
The Beauty Formula    
Proportion: The Vitruvian Man     
The History of the Golden Ratio    
Maths and the Mona Lisa    


FilmEnglish UKSimplified ChineseTraditional ChineseSpanishArabicArabic Captions onlySimplified EnglishFrench
Binary: What Is Binary?    
Binary: The Computer Language    
Binary: The Alien Language    
Why Do We Count in Tens?    
Decimals: Decimal Day    
Fractions: Pythagorean Tuning    
Decimal Places: Photofinish    
Fractions: Slow Motion    
Fractional Reserve Banking    
Numbers: Animal Maths    
Numbers: The Discovery of Zero    
Numbers: Life Without Numbers     
The Sardine Run    
The Fibonacci Sequence    
Enigma: Cracking The Code    
The Most Populous Country    
Hyperinflation: 1920s Germany    
Could You Owe More Than America?    
Percentages: Feeding the Nutcracker    
Percentages: Tax Breaks    
The Incredible Strength of Ants    
The Emperor's Chess Board    
The Richter Scale     
The Biggest Number Ever     
What Does the Internet Weigh?    
Ratios: Currency Exchange    
Ratios: The Maths of Baking    
Aiming for the Outer Planets    
The Prime Number Code   
A Pattern in the Primes    
Primed for Survival     
Imaginary Numbers     


FilmEnglish UKSimplified ChineseTraditional ChineseSpanishArabicArabic Captions onlySimplified EnglishFrench
Polyhedra: Platonic Solids    
The Power of the Sun    
Cubist Art   
The Pacific Flyer    
Why Are Eggs Egg-Shaped?    
Cylinders: Fuelling Saturn V    
Beating the U-Boats    
Pi: Reciting Pi    
Designing Chartres    
Tessellated Designs    
Fractals: The Koch Snowflake    
Fractals: The Menger Sponge    
Bees and Their Hives    
The Mirror Lines of the Taj Mahal    
Transformations: Skateboarding    
The Seven Bridges of Konigsberg    
Networks: Labyrinths and Mazes    
Where is the Centre of a Triangle?    
Proving Pythagoras    
Strengthening the Bank of China    
Building the Pyramids     
Measuring the Earth    
Hyperbolic Geometry    
Distance to the Sun and Moon    
The Tunnel of Samos    
What Do Sine Waves Sound Like?    


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Cartesian Coordinates    
Straight Lines: Bee Lines    
Gradients: Fold Mountains    
Spirals in Nature    
Escher and the Endless Staircase    
Painting By Numbers    
Perspective: Dazzle Camouflage    
Perspective: Parallax    
Modelling the Spitfire    
Queen Hatshepsut's Ship    

Statistics and Probability

FilmEnglish UKSimplified ChineseTraditional ChineseSpanishArabicArabic Captions onlySimplified EnglishFrench
Nightingale's Diagram    
Most Popular Pet    
Histograms: Snapshot    
Distorted Graphs: Heat wave    
Can Monkeys Write Shakespeare?    
Chaos By Mistake    
Probability: Irrational Fears    
Freak Waves    
Insuring the Titanic    
Beating the Stock Market    
The Monty Hall Problem    
The Prisoner's Dilemma    
The Odds Are Against You    
The Card Counter     
Benford's Very Strange Law    
Why Do Shares Change Price?    
Logic: Bayesian Robots    
The Wrong Guy Won    
Can Fish Oil Make You Smarter?    
Can You Trust Your IQ?    
Mind Control    
Average Joe    
Can Eating Fish Prevent Murder?    
Cumulative Frequency: You're Fired?